About The BOOKS


Conversations With An Archangel, Uriel's Wheel (Back Cover)

An inspirational book  inspired by God  through the Archangel Uriel.  Contains some of the author's personal life experiences as well as divine writings meant to challenge and enlighten the reader.  When we  look at life with love wisdom, and understanding, all things are possible.             From page 39...

"Every chance to take a breath

is a gift from God.

All you need to do is...Breathe." 


Beautifully illustrated by the author's wife, 

Brewer Hellman.


The Wheel, A Storm Of Our Own Making (Back Cover)

The first in a series of novels about the classic battle between good and evil, angels and their arch enemies... the son and daughter of the Devil himself.  Scary, thought provoking, and inspirational at the same time.  The reader travels through history experiencing accurately researched events since the time of Christ with the hero, Detective Moose Pederson and his newfound alter ego, Uriel. 


Mark Hellman ~ Author

Author, musician, talent agent, artist, speaker, reverend, husband, and father, Mark Hellman has studied religious philosophy, spirituality, and the supernatural his whole life.  

He lives on the coast of South Carolina with his wife, Brew. 




"Best spiritual book!  What a spiritual journey the book took me on. I found it was well written!  The illustrations were exceptional!.  ...Amazon purchaser

"Absolutely great book! It's very inspiring to read (and) hard to put down. The book is well written without being tiresome or stale.  I enjoyed it a lot, and hope to see more from this author."    ...Joshua

"An inspirational book to keep close by for quick emotional support! I loved this book and found it to be very uplifting and a truly inspirational read. Once I started it, I could not put it down and as I read it, it touched each and all of my emotions. Also, the illustrations were very well done and so appropriately represented each segment. I was completely impressed with the whole package deal, and I will keep this book close by for quick and ongoing inspiration."   ...Linda

"Inspiration on the go! I have been known to read nspirational and self-help books. This book I purchased based on the cover art. I simply loved it. I wasn't expecting such a cute sized book. This book was great because you can pick it up and turn to any page and read something inspiring that makes you think. This is not a sit down read from beginning to end type of book. This the the type of book that is great to have on your person. If you are having a bad day, pick it up and turn to any page and there will be words of wisdom to guide you. If you are having a great day, pick it up and there will be words of wisdom to further elevate your day. I highly recommend this for those not only seeking a little spiritual guidance, but this can be a great gift too!               ...zotbot


THE WHEEL, A Storm Of Our Own Making

(A novel)

"It's an amazing book. Run out and buy it now.  You won't be able to put it down!"  

...GerrI Abrahamson

"A very intriguing book and an extremely good read. A masterful blend of past and present. Riveting!"   

...Sued, Amazon purchaser


"Loved it!!! Kept me on my toes. Just when I thought I had it figured out there was a new twist waiting for me around the corner. I highly recommend."  

...Amazon purchaser

  “The Wheel was a new adventure for me! I am usually a non-fiction or historical fiction reader. Being a reading specialist I always motivated my students and peers to read all different genres. I cannot believe how the author, Mark Hellman, kept me in the palm of his hand! His character development, suspense, and knowledge of mysticism, religion,and the supernatural helps to educate the reader. I had trouble putting this book down and the story stayed with me for several days after I finished the last page. What a great read and I am anxiously waiting for the next book!!”                   …Susan DeLuco

"The Wheel was a wonderful read and I highly recommend it to people as the new book to read! It was full of mystery and suspense and I found it a very difficult book to put down. As each chapter came to an end I was anxious to begin the next... The description of each character by the author enabled me to be pulled into their role in this book As I am not an author, I hope to do justice to this author's writring with my review.    ...Terry W.  

"Suspenseful and original premise. Not a predictable story line and easy to stay interested."   ...verified Amazon Purchaser

"Suspenseful and original premise. Not a predictable story line and easy to stay interested."                ...Leo T


"This is a must read! I found myself extremely involved in what was about to take place next. One of the most intense stories I have read in a very long time. I would love to see this made into a Hollywood script, as it would make a fantastic movie. My compliments to the author. Pick up a copy and enjoy!"  ...Tim P.

"Set time aside for this one...This is a really good book!!  I could hardly put it down. It has good vs. evil, romance and passion, mystery and action. It would make a very exciting movie. I will be watching for the next book by this author."   

...Amazon Purchaser

"Exciting, so many twists and turns, you never know what's going to happen next. Can't wait to start the next book."     ...Rhoda Weaver-Watson

"Great and  captivating read, which tickles your fancy and takes you to the brim of  mythological tales. Take out time to read this one."            ...Shuchi S Shukla

Contact Us

Would you like a signed copy of Conversations With An Archangel, or The Wheel? Specify which book (or both) and send the information below with your address and a check for $15.00 for each copy, payable to Group H Ent. 10517 Ocean Hwy #333, Pawleys Island, SC 29585. We'll pay for shipping. Send email to: Group-H@outlook.com

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